Thursday, 10 December 2015

Family - Page 1

Family - Page 1

How should we respond to those who criticize Islams allowing men to marry more than one woman?
What are the basic factors in family institution?
Do the earnings of the children who stay with their father belong to their father?
Can a father deprive his children of the inheritance?
How should our weddings be?
Is the money taken under the name of mahr (dowry) in Islam the same as bride price? What is the criterion in mahr?
How should engagement and the period of engagement be? What should the criterion for the engaged couple to meet each other be?
How should our relationships be with our relatives according to our religion? What is the benefit of being good to relatives in the world?
What kind of responsibilities do parents have against their newborn baby?
Does it do harm to the mariage if a man doesnt come home for just threat and to establish the authority and say to his wife I dont love you, go away, I am fed up with you, it is enough, I want to stop this marriage, I regret marrying
Should a man divorce his wife who ignores religious veiling?
Can a woman whose husband makes a living in the way forbidden by the religion, make use of the things gained in this way?
Can parents prevent their children from going abroad?
What are the women's rights? What are the duties of wives and husbands against each other?
Does the daughter-in-love have to live in the same house with her mother-in-law?
Weddings Marriage
What are the conditions of polygamy?
Is it permissible to force a girl or woman into marriage?
Seperate Entrance
Get Pregnant do in Ramadan
Unable to accept the khula from wife
How do i get my space and privacy while living with my In-laws?
Can a woman accept estate gifted to her by her terminally ill sister , without informing her other siblings?
Steps after birth of a child
Should we honour one brother's gift to another from a piece of family land after they have died?
What does Quran say about nuclear vs extended families?
What is the conditions of nikah to be valid?
How does a nikah be solemnized?
How did the first tasattur (veiling, covering oneself) start? How did the wives of the Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) carry out the command of tasattur?
Can a husband prevent his wife to get pregnant?
Can a husband divorce his wife unilaterally?
Are men and women equal?
Is authorization to divorce can be given to women, too?
Who has the right of divorce?
What attributes should one look for in the person he/she wants to marry?
Is it permissible for me to talk with my fiance via sms before marriage?
Is dowry permissible in Islam? Isn't it a burden on man?
Is a marriage without the consent of the parents valid?
Is it religiously allowed to marry without the permission of Parents?
Is marriage between Shia and Sunni is permissible in Islam?
Seeking permission from a husband who walked out
Can a husband make use of every part of his wife during sexual intercourse?
Does it mean a divorce to say şart olsun (I swear to divorce you) from three to nine?
Do I need to give all my money (Mahr) to my husband?
Is it permissible to find out the sex of the baby before giving birth?
How can a women get talaq (the right to divorce) from her husband?
Is it religiously allowed to marry without the permission of Parents?
I would like to marry a Christian woman. Which marriage ceremony should be preferred?
How to select a soul-mate for marriage?
What should a recently converted Muslim woman do If she has already had a marriage with a non-Muslim man?
To what extent are friendships of chat right? How can the families that crack online be saved?
What should a woman do if she is unjustly treated?
How can a woman get Khula (divorcement)?
Is family planning forbidden in Islam or not?
Is it permissible for me to get divorced from my current husband and get married again with another man?
What does Islam say about the rights and duties of woman?
Isn't it unfair that a Muslim husband's family rejects a Christian lady for marriage?
Does the duty of taking care old parents belong to son and his wife?
What are the duties of a husband towards his Family?
Is the official marriage accepted as religious marriage?
How should engaged people behave when they come together?
What is the criterion in meeting (getting to know each other) before the marriage?
Do I have to get married?
What are the responsibilities of the partners within the family?
What are the duties of a husband to his wife?
Is it permissible for me to get married informally?
What should a woman do If her husband has more than one wife and doesn't treat them fairly?
What should we do at the wedding night? What are the commands and advice of our religion about this topic?
Can you give some infromation about times of sexual intercourse? Are there any haram (forbidden) days?
What are the limits of sexual intercourse with a woman in menstruation?
Can you give information about the mahram state of a woman near her husband's brother and the things to be paid attention regarding the issue?
How to Resolve Family Conflicts?
Could you please give information about the law of fraternity?
What is the correct age to get married?
Could you please give information about the Islamic term "Nushuz" (Discord Between The Wife and The Husband)
Is it a sin for the wife and husband to avoid having intercourse with each other? Can a man or woman reject the sexual desire of their spouses when they are sick?
What is your advice about flirt kind of relations?


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