Sunday, 27 December 2015

Mehmet Paksu

Mehmet Paksu, who says he shares what he learns and sees by writing and narrating them, was born in Gaziantep 1953. After receiving private religious education for 5 years, he finished Gaziantep Religious High School in 1977. 
He graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Letters in 1981. He started writing and publishing while he was a student. He was the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Can Kardeş"; after completing his military service as a reserve officer, he worked as the editor of Nesil Publications for 18 years. 
He edited and published about 400 books during this period. He has been making radio programs on weekdays on Moral FM, which s a national radio, since 1992. He wrote articles for Yeni Nesil and Tercüman newspapers; he is currently writing articles for Bugün newspaper. 
His articles were published in various periodicals; he gave hundreds of conferences both in Turkey and abroad. He is married with children. He has written more than 40 books.

His published books are: 
1. Açıklamalı İslam İlmihali (Annotated Islamic Catechism) 
2. Kadın ve Aile İlmihali(Women and Family Catechism) 
3. Gençlik İlmihali(Youth Catechism) 
4. Cep İlmihali (Pocket Catechism) 
5. Tatbikli Namaz Rehberi(Practical Prayer Guide) 
6. Açıklamalı Dua Kitabı (Annotated Prayer Book) 
7. Kur’an-ı Kerim ve Açıklamalı Meali (Heyet) (the Quran and its Annotated Meaning) (Committee) 
8. Hayatımızdaki Kur'an (The Quran in Our Life) 
9. Olayların Kur'anca Yorumu (Interpretation of the Events in a Quranic Way) 
10. Kur’ân’dan Reçeteler (Formulas from the Quran) 
11. Peygamberimizin Örnek Ahlakı (Exemplary Ethics of the Prophet) 
12. Peygamberimizin Ramazan’ı ve Oruçları (the Ramadan and Fasting of the Prophet) 
13. Peygamberimizin Dilinden Hac ve Umre (Hajj and Umrah through the Tongue of the Prophet) 
14. Peygamberimizden Günlük Dualar (Daily Prayers from the Prophet)  
15. Peygamberimi Seviyorum (I Love My Prophet)-1 
16. İnsanı Uçuruma Götüren Sözler (Words that Lead Man to Precipice)  
17. Mübarek Aylar, Günler ve Geceler (Holy Months, Days and Nights) 
18. Nur Dede (Luminous Grandfather) 
19. Nur Dede Anlatıyor-1 (Luminous Grandfather Narrates-1) 
20. Nur Dede Anlatıyor-2 (Luminous Grandfather Narrates-2) 
21. Nur Dede Anlatıyor-3 (Luminous Grandfather Narrates-3) 
22. Vesvese: Sebepleri ve Kurtuluş Yolları (Delusion: Its Reasons and Ways of Salvation) 
23. İman Hayata Geçince (When Belief is Put into Practice) 
24. Ölüm ve Sonrası (Death and After it) 
25. Gençliğe Sesleniş (Address to the Youth) 
26. Cennete Koşan On Arkadaş (Ten Friends Running Toward Paradise) 
27. Kudüs ve Mescid-i Aksa (Jerusalem and al-Masjid al-Aqsa) 
28. Helal–Haram (Halal-Haram) 
29. Kadın Evlilik ve Aile (Women, Marriage and Family) 
30. İbadet Hayatımız (Our Worshipping Life) 
31. Meseleler ve Çözümleri-1 (Problems and Their Solutions-1) 
32. Meseleler ve Çözümleri-2 (Problems and Their Solutions-2)  
33. Çağın Getirdiği Sorular (Questions Brought by the Age) 
34. Sünnet ve Aile (the Sunnah and Family) 
35. Aileye Özel Fetvalar (Fatwas Peculiar to Family) 
36. Sahabiler Ansiklopedisi(1-2) (Encyclopedia of Companions) (1-2) 
37. Cep Lügati (Pocket Dictionary) 
38. Sahabiler ve Biz (Companions and Us) 
39. İman Fedaileri (Warriors of Belief)  
40. Kırk Hadisle Ramazan ve Oruç  (Ramadan and Fasting through 40 Hadiths) 
41. İslam Dünyası 1 - 2 Islamic World 1-2 (Simplification)


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