Friday, 25 December 2015

Wiping (Masah) over the Khuffs (Leather Socks)

The right hand is put on the khuff on the right foot and the left hand is put on the khuff on the right foot; the fingers of the hands face the khuffs. The hands are moved toward the legs beginning from the tips of the khuffs.
 What does wiping over the khuffs mean?
While making wudu, wetting the khuffs worn over the feet in accordance with the rules instead of washing the feet is called wiping over the khuffs.
Wiping over the khuffs is ease and permission given by our religion to every Muslim, whether a man or a woman.
Wiping over the khuffs is in question only in wudu. It is not permissible to put on khuffs and wipe over them while making ghusl.
Wiping over the khuffs is sunnah al-muakkada. It is certain that the Messenger of Allah sometimes put on khuffs and wiped over them by sound hadiths that are close to the degree of tawatur.
• What are the conditions that are necessary for wiping over the khuffs to be valid?
The following conditions are necessary for wiping over the khuffs to be valid:
1 – The khuffs must have the quality of not letting water in when they are wetted.
2 – The khuffs must be thick and firm to stand upright without laces. They must be durable enough for a long travel (on foot) of 12 thousand steps (8-9 km).
Boots and shoes that cover the feet and the heels, thick socks that are durable enough for a walk of 8-9 km, and woolen socks covering the heels are regarded as khuffs. They can be wiped over.
It is not enough to wipe over the boots and shoes that are always in contact with the ground; it is necessary to clean the dirt under or over them.
3 – The khuffs must cover the shoes from all sides including the heels.
Wiping over the khuffs that are shorter than the heels is not permissible.
It is sufficient for the khuffs to cover the heels by buttoning or tying after putting them on. Khuffs with zips are similar. The feet must be covered including the heels when they are put on and buttoned or tied. There must not be any holes or gaps in the khuffs.
4 – There must not be any holes, rents or rips that are big enough for three fingers to put in, in the part below the heel.
If the holes and rips in the khuff are in separate places, the total amount is considered. If all of them are equal to or more than three fingers, masah over that khuff is not valid.
The total amount of the rents and rips in one khuff is taken into account; the rents and rips in two khuffs are not added to each other; they are added separately. Therefore, if there are two rents in one khuff and one or two in the other, those rents do not invalidate wiping.
According to Malikis, if there is not a rip as big as to show one third of the foot in a khuff, it does not invalidate masah. According to Shafiis and  Hanbalis, if the amount of the foot that is fard to wash in wudu is seen through a rip, masah becomes invalidated. It does not matter whether the amount to be washed is covered by a sock or something else.
5 – If the front parts of one foot or both feet are amputated (about 3 fingers) it is not permissible to put on a khuff and wipe over such a foot.
6 – The khuffs must be put on when one is on wudu. In order to wipe over the khuffs, first wudu is made and then the khuffs are put on before wudu is broken.
According to Malikis, it is necessary to wipe over all of the khuffs. It is not sufficient to wipe over less. According to Hanbalis, it is enough to wipe over the most part of the khuff. According to Shafiis, it is enough to wipe over the khuffs about one finger.
 What are the sunnahs of masah?
There are two sunnahs of masah:
1 – The amount wiped by the hand should be at least three fingers. The place to wipe over is the top and front part of it. It is enough to wipe about at least three fingers of that part.
2 – Masah should be done by using at least three fingers of the hand. It is not permissible to wipe over with one finger three times. However, if new water is poured on the hand each time and if different parts of the khuff are wetted, then it is permissible to wipe with one finger.
The two things mentioned above are sunnah for masah. It is possible to pour water on the khuffs or to wet them by using something like sponge. However, in that case, a sunnah is regarded to have been abandoned and a makruh is committed.
Apart from the two issues mentioned above, the following issues are also sunnah:
* The fingers of the hand should be separate not conjoined while wiping.
* The fingers of the hand should be used while wiping.
* Wiping should be done by starting from the tips of the khuffs upwards.
• How is masah applied over the khuffs?
After wudu is made, the khuffs are put on before wudu is broken. If the khuffs have buttons or zippers, the zippers are zipped and the buttons are done up to cover the heels.
When wudu is broken, a new wudu is made and when it is time to wash the feet, both palms of the hands are filled with water and then the water is poured down. Then the wet hands (at least three fingers) are wiped over the khuffs beginning from the tips of the khuffs up to the legs.
The right hand is put on the khuff on the right foot and the left hand is put on the khuff on the right foot; the fingers of the hands face the khuffs. The hands are moved toward the legs beginning from the tips of the khuffs.
Thus, masah becomes complete. The fingers are kept separate while moving toward the legs.
It is not appropriate to wash the khuffs with water. It is makruh.
• How long is the period of permissible masah?
Masah over the khuffs is valid only for a certain period.
This period is one day and one night, that is, 24 hours, for residents (muqim) in a place. It is three days and three nights, that is, 72 hours for those who are traveling or are on a journey.
According to Malikis, there is no limit for the period of masah. It is possible to wipe over the khuffs unless it becomes necessary to make ghusl. However, it is mandub to take off the khuffs every Friday and wash the feet. According to Shafiis and Hanbalis, the period of masah for a traveler on a permissible journey (in which there is no intention of committing a haram) is three days and three nights, that is, 72 hours. If one sets off with the intention of committing a haram, it is one day and one night, that is, 24 hours.
• When does the period of masah start?
The period of masah starts when wudu is broken for the first time after the khuffs are put on. For instance, if a person makes wudu at 1 o’clock and his wudu is broken at 5 o’clock, the period of masah starts at 5 o’clock, when his wudu is broken. If he is a resident, his period of masah ends 24 four hours later; if he is a traveler, it ends 72 hours later.
• What are the things that invalidate masah?
Anything that invalidates wudu invalidates masah, too. However, if the period of masah has not expired, the khuffs are wiped over instead of washing the feet.
Masah is completely broken in the following three situations; masah cannot be performed while making wudu; it becomes necessary to wash the feet.
1 – When the period of masah expires.
We have stated above that masah period is 24 hours for residents and 72 hours for travelers. Masah cannot be applied on khuffs after this period expires. If the period of masah ends when one is on wudu, it is enough to take off the khuffs and wash the feet for wudu to be valid. In this case, a person can put on the khuffs again and apply masah again.
2 – When the khuffs come out or when they are taken off.
If one of the khuffs comes out spontaneously or a person takes it off, masah becomes invalidated. In that case, if a person is on wudu, it is enough for him to wash his feet only.
3 – When a state like janabah, menstruation, puerperium that necessitate ghusl arises.
In those states, masah becomes invalid.
If a person fears that his feet will freeze due to cold, he does not take of his khuffs and continues to have wudu even if the period of masah expires. In that case, the period is not taken into consideration but the state of freezing weather is.


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