Friday, 18 December 2015

What Will Mahdi Do?

Allah's Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) says in one of his Hadiths: "An ummah (community) that I exist at the beginning, Jesus the son of Mary (Upon whom be peace) exists lasting the end and Mahdi (May God be pleased with him) exists at the middle (before the end) does not perish. 1

As history witnessed, the community in which He (PBUH) was leader did not perish. The community that Jesus (UWP) will live in during its last period and Mahdi, from the Prophets (PBUH) blessed descendants, (May God be pleased with him) will exist in before its last period will not perish.

Services, which Mahdi will do, are so enormous and important that, according to the narratives, not only the men on the earth but also the world and heaven will be pleased with his caliphate. 2 His emergence will bring about felicity for people of belief and for all of the creatures of the world and heaven. So much so that, birds, wild animals, fish in the sea will become delighted with his emergence. 3 Even dead people wish to come to life in his era on account of his services. 4 In brief, Allah will fill hearts with his love. In addition, Tawus al-Yamani, one of the Islamic saints, wanted so much to live in his era.

After expressing this significant truth, we should point out that, supposing or trying to introduce that Islam just deals with the hereafter and not with this world means lack of knowledge about the religion. We should also point out that prophets are not guides for affairs concerning only the hereafter but also this world and that Hazrat Mahdi will take the lead in every aspect, material and immaterial and will make reforms in every field.

Yes, Mahdi will execute his duty not only in the field of religion but also in the fields surrounding the life such as sovereignty, caliphate, social life and jihad (holy war).

Now, we will demonstrate his most remarkable duties referring to the narratives.

a. Reviving the Religion

Hazrat Mahdi is a mujaddid (reviver, reformer). God Almighty will restore the religion by means of him. 6 He will make Islam prevail again at the end of time as it was during the era of bliss, and will declare its exaltation and supremacy to the world. Said bin Jubair, author of Nuru'l-Absar (The Light of Eyes), indicates in the commentary of the verse: " to cause it to prevail over all religion, even though the Pagans may detest (it). 7, that the one who will make the religion superior is Hazrat Mahdi, from the descendants of Hazrat Fatima. 

He also states that it does not contradict those who say, He is Jesus (Upon whom be peace), yet Jesus (UWP) will pave the way for Mahdi. 8

There is a statement in al-Qawlu'l-Mukhtasar (Brief statements) indicating that, just as the Prophet (PBUH) sustained the religion Islam at first, so will Mahdi do at the end of time. 9

Saadet-i Ebediye (Eternal Bliss) includes a narration that states Ashab Kahf (Companions of the Cave) will leave the cave and be the soldiers of Mahdi. 10 We do not know exactly what Ashab Kahfs resuscitation and becoming soldiers mean. We can only say that dead spirits will resuscitate and return to life by means of the messages of Mahdi concerning belief, like Ashab Kahfs resurrection. It shows us that the fundamentals of his messages are composed of the realities of belief that will revitalize man spiritually.

Muhyiddin-i Arabi (a scholar of Islam) states that Mahdi will sustain the religion that he will make the religion valuable again after it is regarded as insignificant and will revive it. He also says: Mahdi will apply the religion like it was during the time of the prophet."11

Imam Rabbani, the mujaddid of the Second Millennium, points out that the fading sun of Islam will again rise and shine by means of Mahdi. 12

According to the hadith narrated by Umm Salama, Mahdi will cause Islam to prevail over the various regions of the world. 13

It is stated that a withered branch and even a withered tree planted by him will turn green and come into leaf14; from this we can conclude that he is a man possessing wonders and that his teachings and guidance will give life to the hearts becoming dead with unbelief and that will bring them back to life again, as a tree refreshes.

b. Restoring the Prophets Glorious Sunnah (Practices of the Prophet)

Because Mahdi is a mujaddid, he will place the stamp of Islam on the face his era. He will get rid of the attacks targeting Islam and will restore the Prophets glorious Sunnah.

The issue is explained explicitly in this hadith narrated by our mother Aisha, the prophets wife: "Just as I campaigned for Divine revelation, so will Mahdi campaign for my Sunnah. 15

According to the narratives, Mahdi will not leave any Sunnah unrestored, and any bida (innovation) abolished; he will fulfill all the obligations of the religion as the Messenger of Allah did at the end of time. 16

In his book Mektubat (The Letters), Imam Rabbani , emphasizes that significant service of Mahdis. He states that one of his his fundamental duties is to revive the Prophets glorious Sunnah and to abolishing bidas. 17 While explaining the importance of Sunnah, he writes the following: the Sunnah and bida necessitate the nonexistence of the other. Considering this statement, reviving the Sunnah means eradicating bidas and vice versa. 18
He also mentions a modern scholar who strives to adapt the community to bidas while Mahdi tries to perform his duties of spreading the religion and reviving the Sunnah.

When Mahdi comes, he will face an overturned atmosphere. There will be a destruction directed towards Islam from head to foot. A great number of breaches will have been opened in the all-embracing citadel of Islam containing stones as large as mountains. He will observe that doubts piled and accumulated for a thousand years will have been brought up at once, the foundations, currents, and marks of Islam will have been destroyed, the collective heart and public opinion will have been seriously injured and the general conscience will have been corrupted.

All of that will be caused under the leadership of Sufyan (the Muslims Antichrist (Dajjal)). As for Mahdi, he will cure the spiritual illnesses caused by that devastating destruction with the medicines of the Quran. He will strive to establish the principles of the Glorious Sunnah that the enemies of Islam tried to erase from memories by means of bidas and waged war against. In fact, each of those principles are elixirs. Mahdi and his luminous community will repair the destruction of the bida regime of the committee of Sufyan and will revive the Glorious Sunnah. 19

c. Struggling Against Sufyan

One day, Gods Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) showed Hazrat Umar one child in a group of Jewish children, and said: That is the very image of Sufyan! 20 Umar said: Then I shall kill him! However, Gods Messenger (PBUH) replied: If that is Sufyan, the Islamic Dajjal, you cannot kill him. And if it is not, he cannot be killed through his image.

Yes, Sufyan will come at the end of time and be killed by a community that continues jihad (holy war) for the sake of the truth and that cannot be harmed by any opposing groups or enemies 21, that will continue jihad victoriously 22 and whose last group 23 will fight against Messiah Dajjal and by their representative Hazrat Mahdi. 

Mahdi will struggle against both the Great Dajjal who emerges to deny all sacred things and the Muslims Antichrist Sufyan, the unreligious and deceitful, who wages war against Islam and the Quran. Mahdi will kill Dajjal as a result of that struggle and repair the destruction.

Disclaiming Allah, the Quran and prophets, Sufyan, who sustains his activities systematically and hypocritically, fights everything related to Islam, trying to enervate and eradicate the fundamentals of faith, which are the foundations of Islam.24He will watch and follow Mahdi continually and will not quit the besieging.

So, Mahdi will serve and struggle under very hard conditions.

Hadiths include not only the destructions of Sufyan, but also Mahdis struggles with Sufyan as well. This struggle will not be, as many people predict, materially by sword, but in the form of a peaceful jihad, jihad of word, by means of reason; it will not be bloody but will be bloodless. Al-Haytami (a scholar of Islam) explains it as follows: People who obey him will perform this obedience between rukun and maqam (some sacred places around the Kaaba). They will not wake anybody from sleep, and will never shed blood. 25

Badiuzzaman indicates that Mahdi will repair the destruction of the bida regime of the committee of Sufyan and that this service will not be fulfilled by force and strength but by means of reforming and repairing, in his book Mektubat (Letters)

An interesting struggle between Mahdi and Dajjal is narrated in a hadith, contained in Muslim. Although some scholars such as Mamar and Abu Ishaq tell, that man is Hazrat Hidr, from the precedent and antecedent of the hadith it is understood that this man is Mahdi. It is understood from that hadith that Dajjal has soldiers for observation in his headquarters, which shows he will posses a great power of military and government forces. Accordingly, he wants Mahdi to be his slave, but as Mahdi rejects him, Sufyan persecutes and harasses him, doing whatever he could in order to make him ineffective. So much so that his back and abdomen are widened by beating; that is, his cause spreads around more and more.

Despite all the pain and torments he suffers, he does not bow to, does not obey Dajjal; on the contrary, his opinion about who Dajjal is becomes strong. He calls to people in a victorious manner: O men! There is no doubt that Dajjal cannot do what he did to me to anyone from the mankind. Then, Dajjal picks him up again. However, the place between his neck and his collarbone becomes a copper sheet, so Dajjal could find no way to cut him. Then he clutches Mahdi with his hands and feet, hurls him away. People think Dajjal hurls him into hell; however, that faithful man is thrown into paradise.

Those comments demonstrate that although Dajjal wants to kill Mahdi, he will not succeed. He will not be able to make Mahdi obey him, and his sword will not cut him. As for throwing Mahdi to the fire, it means to imprison him in the dungeons that become like hell during the time of Dajjal. However, his belief converts those dungeons into a kind of paradise because hell and paradise are in the world of one's own before anywhere else. Being an effective elixir, faith converts dungeons into palaces and flames into the water of life. In addition, it shows that Dajjal exiles Mahdi to the corners and desolate places but those places become full of gardens.

That Hadith in Muslim ends as follows: that believer is the greatest man in terms of martyrdom, before the Lord of this world. 28

Another narration draws attention to the struggle between Mahdi and Dajjal as follows: Mahdi and Dajjal come forward as they are race horses, sometimes Mahdi wins, sometimes Dajjal. 29 When Mahdi comes to Damascus, the community of Sufyan cut rampant trees and throw them into the Tabariya Lake 30
A group going to Khorasan defeats the community of Sufyan. 31 In the end, the Sufyan society delivers the caliphate (management) to Mahdi

As it could be understood from those narratives, in spite of everything, Sufyan will not escape from Mahdis sword. Is it possible to assume that Dajjal, who challenges the order of this universe that is governed by righteousness and truth, who hopes to get help from sophistry, lie and deceit, should not hand over his arms?

Besides, Dajjal will be slugged so grievously by Mahdi that it will not be possible to forget it. Yes, People who inflict blows on Islam will receive such awesome blows on their heads that they will not be forgotten until the Doomsday.' 33 

We should indicate that Dajjal is a human being after all. What is important is to kill his ideas, his skepticism, and his destructive current, not to kill him. Dajjal might as well be killed by a virus.

Mahdi will emerge from among the Prophets (PBUH) descendants and will mess up and eradictate the hypocritical current brought about by that fearsome person who will come to lead the community of hypocrites, and will try to destroy the Islamic Shari a.34

Yes, this blessed man, who is from the Prophets (PBUH) descendants, who struggles against the destructive regime founded by Dajjal, will end off their mischief-making. Mahdi will also repair the destruction of the bida regime of the Sufyan society, reviving the Prophets glorious Sunnah. That is to say, the secret society of Sufyan will try to destroy the Sharia of Muhammad (PBUH) in the World of Islam with the intention of denying his prophethood, and Sufyan will be killed and routed by the miraculous immaterial sword of the Mahdis community. 35

Hazrat Mahdi will do it, with the collective personality that he depends on, with the community of Sayyids, who are from the blessed Family of the Prophet (PBUH), and with believers.

There are remarkable points in the course of the development of the issue:

According to Badiuzzamans comments: Sufyan will temporarily try to use the Turkish nation and Turkism, which for seven hundred years has been a flashing diamond sword, a mark of honor, in the hand of Islam and the Quran, against some of the marks of Islam. However, he will not be successful and will withdraw. It is understood from the narrations that The heroic army will save its reins from his hand. 36

Hope in Divine Mercy must not be lost. Almighty God will not cause to perish through temporary set-backs the Magnificent Army and Mighty Community of the People of this Land, whom He has employed for a thousand years in the service of the Quran, appointing them as its standard-bearer. He will once again kindle that Light and cause them to continue their duty. 37

Badiuzzaman writes additionally this footnote with his own handwriting (in the handprint copy) about the issue: He does not strike his sword on his feet, strikes it on his enemy, instead. He assigns his sword to the service of the Quran, makes the crying World of Islam laugh."

Mahdi, surely, will encounter some difficulties during his struggles and there will be people supporting him, and people opposing him.

Supporters of Mahdi

Neither Mahdi nor Sufyan carry their activities on their own. They both find support. Since that period will be a period of collective personality not individuality, Sufyan will depend on an evil community and Mahdi will depend on a community of truth based on the principle of solidarity.

At first, number of people gathering around Mahdi is very few. However, they are sincere, faithful and persevering. They have perseverance without any quail, bravery without any fear and sacrifice rarely seen.

Yes, their number was equal to the Companions of Badr, that is, about 313. Their group consists of people who are as few as the ones crossing the river with Talut (Saul), whose hearts were united, and who do not feel sorry for their martyrs and who do not feel happy when people join them. 39
On the way of Allah, they are not afraid of the reproaches of people who find faults or their gossip.40
According to Hazrat Alis comment: those people do not fear anything, and do not feel happy for any benefits.41
They are few but as strong as an army. Their power comes from their sincerity, faithfulness and solidarity. Therefore they are regarded as strong as and as precious as an army immaterially although they are few.

Thus, that numerous and powerful army is the Family of Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace), the most selected army of Mahdi. 42

This Group with its loyalty, perseverance and bravery resembles Talut, who struggled against Goliath at the time of Moses. Taluts forces were weak. A small group that was self-sacrificing, and that suffered a lot said the following to the soldiers who were disobedient to the commands by drinking water from the river which was a test for them and who said that they were not able to cop with Goliaths army:How oft by Allah's will, has a small force vanquished a big one.43

Those people who depend on sincerity and believe that the tiniest act performed with sincerity will be equal to the size of the sun will not find it difficult to demolish the regime of Sufyan.

Those helpers who are not Arabs 44 will defeat any tyrant person. One of the attributes of these lionhearted people is that they pray during the night and fight like lions during the day. 45

Mahdis army will sometimes receive blows and sometimes some of their supporter will quit because of not being able to bear that hard duty, or propensity for leisureliness or fear of losing possessions, life or rank and some other reasons. However, they will not bother too much about it. 46
Neither quitters nor opposing people will harm him. Despite the departures, he will proceed with his way victoriously. 47
Consequently testing those of you who fought hard and remained steadfast.
 48 will be obvious.

His Adversaries

Mawdudi says: I am afraid that the first people to oppose the innovations that Mahdi brings will be the scholars (ulama) and sufis. I hope he will have some qualities more different than an ordinary man in order to be recognized. 49

Unfortunately, Mahdi will not only encounter Sufyans obstructions but also the opposition of some hodjas (preachers, Muslim clergymen). Some imitative interpreters of the Law (Ijtihad) will turn out to be enemies of him. They will not like it when they see that Mahdi decrees contrary to school Imams, but they will not be able to oppose. *

d. Uniting the Hearts

Making the imitative belief certain and ensuring progress and evolution in belief, Mahdi, at first, will provide a peaceful atmosphere with belief, which is the origin of all goodness and beauty. He unites the hearts with the unity of faith. He establishes friendship, brotherhood, respect and love so much so that a wolf and a lamb will live together. Thus, believers will gather a great strength.

According to what Hazrat Ali says God will gather a lot of people around Mahdi as He gathers the clouds and will unite their hearts."

Again, in a Hadith narrated by Hazrat Ali when the end of the world comes, mischief-makings and conflicts will rise as much as gold is extracted from the mine, people will become absorbed with disorder, Damascus people will be messed up with troubles bombarded from the inhabitants of the sky and it will be so weak that even if a fox attacked, it would be defeated. 

Emerging with three flags of victory at that time, Mahdi will unite the hearts of Muslims, return them their former bounties, unite their views and soften their hearts. 50

e. Establishing Justice, Peace and Tranquility

Right is defined as something which belongs to a person; justice is defined as giving the deserved right to the rightful and placing where it has to be. As for oppression, it means to take the right from the place it belongs to and to put it in another place.

In a period when everything is turned upside down and tyranny has donned the hat of justice, people whose spiritual world turned dark will seek more than ever a saver who will establish justice. Mankind will expect a person, who is on the path of Allah's Messenger (PBUH) and in his style, to become the leader of the world and govern it, and also stop tyranny, ensure peace and provide justice.

Thus, Mahdi will appear at such a time, and will fill the world that is full of oppression with justice 51, will set things aright 52, and struggle until people turn to truth. 53

He will restore that world which is mastered by tyranny and despotism to peace and tranquility and Muslims will start living like the first period of Islam. No blood will be shed and nobody will be disturbed while sleeping anymore. 54

In his era, the good deeds of the good people will increase and even the evil ones will be done favors.55

f. Conducting to abundance and blessing

Think of what will be realized in the world where belief prevails. Hard work, endeavor, activity, self-sacrifice, generosity and similar qualities will flourish and these yield fruit. As a matter of fact, faith is a tree giving beautiful fruits, isn't it?

Thus, covered feelings will be budding one by one and blossoming during the time of Mahdi as in the era of bliss. Most remarkable feature of this peaceful and calm period will be the abundance and blessing as it is stated in narrations. 56

It is stated in Muslim that the Caliph who is indicated to come at the end of time - according to the scholars of Islam this man will be Mahdi- will dispense uncountable bounties. 57 As for the statement in Abu Dawud (a hadith commentator), it is as follows:

A Caliph comes at the end of time, gives bounties lavishly and does not count what he offers. 58

While mentioning the abundance and welfare in his era, a hadith narrated by Abu Saidi'l-Khudri (a hadith commentator) states as follows:

My community will reach such a level of welfare in his era that it will be unprecedented until that day. So much so that the earth gives its harvest and does not hide anything from people, property accumulates so much that when a man rises and says O Mahdi, give me! Mahdi says Here you are!. 59

Another Hadith:

My community will obtain unprecedented bounties in his era, heaven will send plenty of rain and the earth will not conceal any plants and property (that is to say, the earth will offer its underground treasures for men) 60. The earth will eject its treasures in his era. 61. The number of animals will increase. 62

In the encyclopedia of Islam written by a western author, Macdonald, this abundance in the time of Mahdi is expressed as: Muslims will reach at a level of welfare that they have never seen before, by following his Shari a. The earth will give all its fruit and the sky will pour rain. Silver coin will be disregarded; it will not even be counted. A man will rise and say: O Mahdi, give me! Mahdi will always say Here you are!. He will cast before him everything that he can carry with his shirttail. That comment is supported by this hadith narrated by Muslim: When my community approaches degeneration a caliph spreading uncountable bounties will come. 63

Understanding the reason of this abundance will not be difficult at this age when technology has progressed and production in agriculture has increased many times more than in the past with the improvement of seeds.

In his era, the number of Muslims will increase like everything else. 64

g. Uniting Mazhabs (Schools)

Muhyiddin-i Arabî (a scholar of Islam), in his treatise Futuhat-ı Makkiyya, tells that Mahdi will abolish mazhabs and there will no mazhabs left but an absolute and true religion. 65

Saadet-i Ebediye (Eternal Bliss) includes a narration that Mahdi will abolish mazhabs. 66

What is meant by abolishing mazhabs may be a return to the era of the Prophet (PBUH). To put it more clearly mazhabs will be united in his time. As it is explained in Words (from Risale-i Nur Collection) in the past, although Sharias (Laws) differed in accordance with ages and even different nations in the same age had different Sharias, the Sharia of the Prophet Muhammad is enough for all times because human beings have been created in a position to receive a single lesson and listen to a single teacher and act in accordance with a single Law; so, there is no need for different Laws. 

However, because all human beings did not reach the same level and did not have the same sort of social life, different mazhabs which are different from each other in details were necessary. When, like students of a school of higher education, the vast majority of mankind have the same sort of social life and attain the same level, then all mazhabs can be united. 67

So, at the time of Mahdi, mankind will attain the same intellectual and cultural level like students of a school of higher education and will proceed to share the same sort of social life. Therefore, there will be no need for various mazhabs and one law system like Majalla (An Islamic law code) will give ample answers for all the needs of Muslims.

h. World Sovereignty

Imam-I Rabbani tells about a hadith in his book Mektubat (The Letters). According to that hadith, the Prophet indicates that there are four kings of the earth, two of them are religious and two are unbelievers. The believers are Dhul-Qarnain and Solomon (Upon whom be peace) and unbelievers are Namrud and Buhtannasr. The fifth is Mahdi, from his glorious descendants, who will govern the world. 68

Another Hadith related to the matter is:

Mahdi will govern the world like Dhul-Qarnain and Solomon (Upon whom be peace). 68

It is very interesting that Mahdi is compared to Dhul-Qarnain in the hadith. Being one of the kings of Yemen, Dhul-Qarnain, who lived in the time of Abraham (Upon whom be peace), is known for his journeys, the struggles against different nations and especially for building the great wall against Gog (Yajuj) and Magog (Majuj) who were wild and boisterous.

The verse We completely understood what was before him mentioning Dhul-Qarnain who is also known as the Great Alexander came across a community, expanding between two mountains, lacking in understanding. People who were tired of their cruelty said. "O Dhul-Qarnain! Gog and Magog are people corrupting the world. Will you set up a wall between us and them if we paid you some tax? 70

As for him, he got ready to build a firm wall with their help. He stacked between two mountains with iron mass and filled the gaps with melted copper in order to consolidate it. After that, neither Gog nor Magog could pass that wall nor could they dig a hole.

This event is told of in the Surah of Cave (Kehf) between the verses 93-97.

It means that this barrier of Dhul-Qarnain undertook a significant responsibility against the terrorism of that time. In the time of Mahdi, the anarchy supported by atheism will oppress the world and Mahdi will set a barrier with the Islamic truths against terrorism.

Hazrat Mahdi, who will be known for his activities setting barriers against irreligiousness, will place the flag of Islam onto the tower of world castle. What we learn from a narration from Ummu Seleme, Mahdi, who is based on the Glorious Sunnah, will spread Islam all over the world. 71 However, his conquest will be in the form of spreading Islam, a peaceful and scientific way, not material.

He will fix the pre-eternal and post-eternal bases and principles of Islam, which are bright and fresh in every stage of time and which do not lose anything from their beauty, into minds and hearts; he will not leave any place where they are not heard; those principles will influence all people that read them. He will conquer hearts and minds.

Mahdi will show the exalted truths of Islam so brightly and firmly and he will prove them with so steadfast proofs that even obstinate philosophers will be silenced and they will not be able to find a point to oppose what he tells. All kinds of godlessness and misguidance will crash that firm barrier of Dhul-Qarnain and will have to collapse. No force will be able to stand against this sovereignty.

Those spiritual walls are the strongest barriers of Dhul-Qarnayn against anarchy and terror. Those barriers stop invasions of Gog and Magog, known as the Mongols and Manchurians, who were the source of mischief-making and corruption in the different periods of history, who always stirred up the currents of corruption and disorder, inviting the Great Dajjal in this age when the regime of Dajjal strives to rule over.

During the era of Dhul-Qarnain, innocent nations were oppressed by their terror. Dhul-Qarnain saved them from that disaster by building that strong barrier, which was impossible to open a gap couldn't be made on it.

Todays people are also in need of a barrier against both communism, which forms the basis of the system of the great Dajjal and the regime of Sufyan, which aims to destruct Islam and all the holy things. The Christian world that represent the collective personality of Jesus (Upon whom be peace) and cast off trinity, embracing the Oneness, and the Islamic world that is under the leadership of Mahdi are obliged to build a spiritual barrier in addition to founding communities and associations which to defend against that grievous corruption, in other words, against atheism. That spiritual barrier, which will prevent communism, the representative of Gog and Magog in this age, from invading the hearts and minds.

Yes, ample power for governing that days world is bestowed upon this powerful ruler, who managed to stop those predatory, anarchist, corruptive, destructive Gog and Magog nations, and Allah established his power on earth 71 and showed him the ways and the means to all ends. 72 He managed to do these with knowledge and power bestowed by Allah.

Mahdi will dominate the world, too. 73 Firstly, Mahdi, who is supported by bestowed knowledge and spiritual power, will get rid of grievous evils with his collective personality that is based on sincerity, perseverance and solidarity, and then he will establish his spiritual authority. By virtue of his explanations and proofs supported by strong evidence, unbelievers and unrighteous people will have to embrace faith or keep quiet.

When the threat of communism, which is the collective personality of the regime of Dajjal, had not appeared yet, in 1911, the great Islamic scholar Badiuzzaman informed about this emerging, grievous danger in his treatise Muhakemat. He indicated that, world, particularly Europe, is pregnant with an awesome corruption. Europe civilization, which moved away from religion, was starting to go into disorder; some currents of corruption and insurrection were starting to rise. If they did not hold the strong rope of Islam or depended on the truth of Islam, which is as strong as the barrier of Dhul-Qarnain, those destructive groups would demolish their civilization. Actually, they had already started to threaten their civilization. 74

In the next years, that disorder would appear and tyrannize the whole world, sweeping all barriers like a bulldozer.

Badiuzzaman expressed with sorrow that danger surrounding the community like an octopus as follows: Just as Gog and Magog caused corruption and disorder in the world through destroying 'the barrier of Dhu'l-Qarnain', so too with the barrier of the Qur'an formed by the Sharia of Muhammad being shaken, a dark anarchy and tyrannous irreligion in morality and life more fearsome than Gog and Magog have begun corrupting and subverting. 75

They were the footfalls in different countries of the atheism current which emerged from the north and defeated Christianity, bringing up anarchy. Gathering the power on themselves by deceit, conspiracy and deforcement, those evil centers became executioners and considered tyranny, despotism and blood as the only way to establish their inauspicious regime in innocent countries.

How would this grievous destruction be resisted?

Only, a barrier of the Quran like the barrier of Dhu'l-Qarnayn was needed if this trouble were to be stopped. The barrier of Dhu'l-Qarnayn was the truth of the Quran. 

Yes, the invasion of the grievous current that ruled Europe invading and that were not based on heavenly religions could only be resisted by the truths of belief and the Quran that are like a castle. 76 

What did not let the ungodliness invade us and stopped it is the truths of belief and the Quran while it has spread in Russia, over half of China and Europe up to now. Otherwise, against the immaterial forces of destruction of Russia, it was impossible to resist by punishing only one out of a thousand. Only immaterial bombs are needed against this force which has invaded half of Europe in a short time and considers it lawful for vagabonds and the poor to plunder the property of the rich, for the youths to consider the daughters and wives of upright people as permissible. Those bombs are the truths of the Quran and belief which could stop that awesome leftism. Otherwise, that universal force cannot stopped by the punishment of one percent of them by justice courts.77

So, it means that the weapon of Mahdi for the world sovereignty is not material but immaterial. Immaterial power is so forceful that it can do the things that material power cannot. 

Now, let us discuss the relation between Solomon (UWP) and Mahdi a bit. Solomon (UWP) was a learned man who knew the language of birds; he was a commander of creatures even the djinn: he was an industrialist that could melt copper and produce boilers: he mastered technology so well that he built magnificent palaces. How did Solomon (UWP) described by Quran in the verse: How excellent is the servant! 79 obtain such great bounties some of which we have mentioned?

Solomon (UWP) owes everything to this prayer he said: 

"O my Lord! Forgive me, and grant me a kingdom which will not belong to another after me: for You is the Grantor of Bounties (without measure). 80
Allah accepted his prayer. Ever did he turn (to Us in repentance)!

Solomon (UWP) had wanted so many bounties, but he did not disregard looking at them with the eye of gratitude and used them as means for the remembrance of his Lord 82.

His commitment of himself to the path of God yielded him so many unexampled bounties. He (UWP) was a king ruling the world. He (UWP) was so equitable. He (UWP) became a nightmare for the oppressors and an angel of compassion for the oppressed people. He (UWP) always sided with the truth and the righteous, helped the oppressed people and brought his land the peace and serenity.
Solomon (UWP) is the symbol of affluence and abundance. He constructed his land from end to end. During his 40 years reign, He brought peace to everybody even to animals, He provided them with a happy life.

However, although he had such a majestic sultanate, He had to undergo some disastrous periods.

There are some similarities between Hazrat Mahdi and him.

Hazrat Solomon was employed morally, so will be Mahdi.

Solomon ruled the world, so will Mahdi. It is true that Mahdi will not have sovereignty over mountains, stones and animals but, with God willing, he will has a service and works which can soften the hard hearts, convert the coal-like spirits into diamonds, resurrect the dead spirits with the light of belief and give happiness to the people of belief and sorrow to the people of unbelief by his services even if they are in the other end of the world.

Yes, Mahdi will rule over the world just as Solomon (UWP) did.83 However, he will do it with his collective personality. He will engrave the sacred truths that he advocates into the spirits and hearts. The existence, power and authority of those truths could be felt from America, to Japan and from Russia to Australia and all over the world. The rotten posts of irreligiousness will be demolished one by one and they will lay down their arms. The gang of corruption which consists of coincidence, polytheism and nature will be repulsed and dismissed.

Solomon (UWP) had a 40 year-reign. Mahdi will govern for 40 years, too.

The era of Solomon (UWP) was a period of abundance and bliss. The era of Mahdi will be a period of abundance and bliss, too.

Solomon (UWP) had got his servants to construct his country from end to end. Mahdi will rebuild the mankind spiritually with his students.

Solomon (UWP) had been undergone some mischief. Mahdi will not be free of the troubles of the irreligious committee.

i. The Conquest of Istanbul

One of the activities of Mahdis is the conquest of Istanbul. In a narrative the following is stated; being the last commander of the community of Muhammad (PBUH), Mahdi who is from the blessed family of the Prophet (PBUH) and who has a fine character will emerge and conquer the city of Kaiser; Dajjal will appear and Jesus (UWP) will be descended from Heaven in his era. 84

The Prophet (PBUH) mentioned the issue so much that he stated that even if there were only one day to the end of the world, God would extend that day for Mahdi to conquer Constantinople (Istanbul). 85

Muhyiddin-i Arabi says that Mahdi will save Istanbul from Dajjal. 86
In narratives, it is indicated that this conquest will be without a fight and with reciting La ilaha illallah, there is no God but Allah and takbirs (exaltations). 87 From this, we understand that this conquest will be moral.
We know that the city of Kaiser, Constantinople, in other words, Istanbul, was conquered by the Conqueror Sultan Mehmed at first and both his soldiers and he are praised by a glorious hadith.

The above-mentioned hadith attracts attention to another aspect: that is, Istanbul will be conquered in the time of the emergence of Mahdi and Dajjal. We can conclude that in some time in the future, Istanbul will be invaded but will be saved, and in some other time when it is absorbed by tyranny and corruption, Mahdi will come and conquer it morally.


1. Nasai and Abu Nuaym (Said Hawwa, ibid, 9:339).
2. Is'afu'r-Raghibin, p. 146; al-Hawi, 2:66-67.
3. Ibid., p. 67-68; Rahbawî, Kıyamet Alâmetleri (The signs of the Doomsday), p. 162-163.
4. Tazkiratu'l-Qurtubî, p. 186; Sharhu'l-Maqàsid, 2:307; Isafur-Raghibin, p. 145. 
5. al-Qawlu'l-Mukhtasar, p. 42.
6. Iqdu'd-Duraer, Waraq: 9a.
7. Chapter at-Tawbah: 33.
8. Nurul-Absar (Light of The Eyes), p. 186.
9. al-Qawlu'l-Mukhtasar, p. 27.
10. Hüseyin Hilmi Işık, Saadet-i Ebediye (Eternal Bliss), p. 1029.
11. M. Arabi, Futuhat Makkiyya, p. 66.
12. Imam Rabbani, Maktubat (The Letters), 1:565.
13. Said Hawwa, Ibid, 9:334.
14. Kitabu'l-Burhan (The Book of Proofs), p. 67; al-Qawlu'l-Mukhtasar, p. 43
15. Iqdu'd-Durar, Waraq: 5b; al-Burhan, Waraq: 85b
16. Rahbawî, Kıyamet Alâmetleri (The signs of the Doomsday) p. 162, 163.
17. Nursî, Mektubat (The Letters), p. 255.
18. Imam Rabbani Maktubat (The Letters), (Arabic), 1:234; Mektubat-ı Rabbani Tercümesi (Translation), trs. Abdülkadir Akçiçek, Istanbul: Çile Publishing, 1:565, 566.
19. Nursi, Mektubat (The Letters), p. 426.
20. Bukhari, Janaiz: 80, Jihad: 178; Muslim, Fitan: 85-86, 95; Tirmizi, Fitan: 63.
21. Bukhari, I'tisam: 10; Ibni Majah, Muqaddima: 1; Tirmizi, Fitan: 51.
22. Muslim, Eeman: 247.
23. Abu Dawud, Jihad: 4.
24. Tılsımlar Mecmuası, p. 212 (transferred from Isafur-Raghibin).
25. al-Haytemi, al-Qawlul-Mukhtasar, p. 24.
27. Muslim, Kitabu'l-Fitan, 23. Bab, 113. H. (H. 2938).
28. Buhari, Fitan: 27; Fazailul-Madinah: 9; Muslim, Fitan: 112 (H. 2938).
29. Nuaym bin Hammad, Kitabu'l-Fitan: Waraq: 76a; al-Burhan, v. 92a.
30. al-Hawi li'l-Fatawa, p. 67-68.
31. Ibid, p. 67, 68; Tazkira, p. 187.
32. Kitabu'l-Fitan, v. 50a.
33. Kastamonu Lâhikası, (Kastamonu Addendum) p. 55.
34. Mektubat (The Letters), p. 56.
35. Mektubat (The Letters), p. 413.
36. Şuâlar (The Rays), p. 515.
37. Mektubat (The Letters), p. 327.
39. Kitabu'l-Burhan (The Book of Proofs), p. 57. 
40. Ibni Majah, 10:259.
41. Siddiq Khan, al-Izaa, p. 128.
42. Emirdağ Lâhikası (The Emirdağ Addendum), p. 259.
43. Chapter al-Baqara), 249.
44. Kıyamet Alâmetleri (The signs of the Doomsday), p. 169.
45. Kitabu'l-Burhan (The Book of Proofs), p. 57, 68.
46. Ramuzu'l-Ahadis, p. 476 (Referring to Ibni Majah).
47. Ramuzu'l-Ahadis, p. 487 (referring to Kabir written by Tabarani.)
48. Chapter Aal-e-Imran, 142.
49. Mawdudi, İslâmda İhya Hareketleri, p. 
* for the Comments of Muhyiddin-i Arabi About the topic see: p. 164.
50. Hakim, Mustadrak Mukaddima, Part: 52; p. 318.
51. Abu Dawud, Kitabu'l-Mahdi, 4:107 (H. 4284, 4290.); Saduddin Taftazani, Sharhu'l-Maqasid, 2:307.
52. Bukhari, Kitabu'l-Fitan, 5.
53. Ibni Hajar, al-Matalibu'l-Aliya, 4:342 (H. 4553.) 
54. al-Burhan, Waraq: 82a; Kitabu'l-Fitan, Waraq: 51a.
55. al-Burhan, p. 17.
56. al-Hawi li'l-Fatawa, p. 67, 68; Rahbawi, Kıyamet Alâmetleri (The signs of the Doomsday), p. 162, 163.
57. Muslim, Book: 52 (H. 67-69.
58. Abu Dawud, Book: 34.
59. Ibni Majah Kitabu'l-Fitan: 34 (H. 4083.)
60. Majmau'z-Zawaid, 7:317.
61. al-Qawlu'l-Mukhtasar, p. 45.
62. Mustadrak, 4:558.
63. Macdonald, Mahdi, İslâm Ansiklopedisi (The Encyclopedia of Islam), 7:478.
64. Mustadrak, 4:558.
65. Rahbawi, Kıyamet Alâmetleri (The signs of the Doomsday), p. 186-187.
66. Hüseyin Hilmi Işık, Saadet-i Ebediye (The Eternal Bliss), p. 1029.
67. Sözler (The Words), p 447.
68. Mektubat (The Letters), 2:251. 
69. Kitabu'l-Burhan, p. 10; al-Qawlu'l-Mukhtasar, p. 32; Rahbawi, Kıyamet Alâmetleri (The signs of the Doomsday), p. 162, 163.
70. Chapter al-Kahf 91.
71. Ibni Kathir, an-Nihaya, 1:27, 28; Suyuti, al-Hawi, 2:58, 59.
72. Chapter al-Kahf, 84.
73. Ramuzul-Ahadis, 1:135.
74. Nursî, Muhakemat, p. 38.
75. Kastamonu Lâhikası (The Kastamonu Addendum), p. 111.
76. Emirdağ Lâhikası (The Emirdağ Addendum), p. 1:90.
77. Emirdağ Lâhikası (The Emirdağ Addendum), p. 2:297.
79. Chapter Sad, 30.
80. Chapter Sad, 35. 
81. Chapter Sad, 30.
82. Chapter Sad, 32.
83. al-Qawlu'l-Mukhtasar, p. 24.
84. Nuaym bir Hammad, Kitabu'l-Fitan, Waraq: 59a.
85. al-Burhan, p. 74.
86. M. Arabi, Futuhat Makkiya, p. 66.
87. Şârânî, Ölüm, Kıyamet, Âhiret ve Âhirzaman Alâmetleri (The Death, The Doomsday, The Signs The Hereafter and The Doomsday), p. 445-446.


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