Friday 25 December 2015

States that do not Prevent Wudu

* If one or more wudu organs of a person are missing, he becomes exempt from washing them. However, if an organ is partly present, it is necessary to wash that part. For instance, if the hand of a man has been amputated, he must wash his arm including the elbow. If a man’s arm has been amputated, the obligation to wash his arm is annulled. 

* If a person knows definitely that he has made wudu but has doubts that his wudu is invalidated, he is regarded to have wudu because definite knowledge is not eliminated by doubt. If the opposite is in question, that is, if a person knows that his wudu was invalidated but has doubts that he has made wudu again, he is regarded not to have wudu.

* After making wudu, if a person doubts whether he has washed some organs or not, he has to wash those organs and complete the wudu if he is not a habitually apprehensive person. If he is an apprehensive person, his doubt is not taken into consideration; his ablution is regarded to be complete.

* The paint left on the nails of painters due to the obligation does not invalidate their wudu. However, paints that form a thin layer on the nails without any obligation and prevent water from penetrating under harm the soundness of wudu.

* If fingers stick each other so as not to let water pass between temporarily, or if the nail has lengthened and covered the finger tip by turning reversely, or if there is something like wax, dough, glue, oil paint that prevents water from reaching the skin on the organs that need to be washed, it is necessary to remove them.

* The dirt under the nail, and the dirt of the body, the dirt of the fleas and flies are not regarded to prevent wudu.

* If the ring on the finger is tight, it is necessary to move it and let water penetrate under.

* If the hairs on the body are shaved after wudu or ghusl, it is not necessary to wash or rub them again.

* Wudu or ghusl is not invalidated if the nails and the mustache are trimmed, and the skin is peeled after wudu or ghusl.


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