Humanity has never been away from the light of Prophethood in any period
“Prophethood is the highest rank. A Prophet is like a branch arching out from the Divine to the human realm. He is the very heart and tongue of creation. He is chosen by Allah, exalted and sent with a mission. He possesses a supreme intellect that does not only penetrate into the reality of things and events but he is also the ideal being with all of his faculties being harmoniously excellent and active. He strives and progresses steadily toward Heaven, waits upon Divine inspiration for the solutions to the problems he faces, and is the connecting point between this world and the hereafter.
His body is subject to and follows his heart, figuratively the seat of spiritual intellect, as does his heart. His perceptions and reflections are always directed to the Names and Attributes of God. He goes to what he perceives and arrives at the desired destination.
A Prophet's perception, developed to the full seeing, hearing, and thus knowing-surpasses that of all other people. His perception cannot be explained in terms of different light, sound, or some other wavelengths. With their criteria of analyses and composition, ordinary people cannot acquire a Prophet's knowledge that forces the walls of nature.
By conveying the Divine message and guidance, the Prophets give us a limited insight into creation so that we can know some of its meaning. Without them, we would be unable to see or understand the true nature and meaning of things and events, or to deal with our surrounding environment. They also teach us something of God and His Names and Attributes.
Then, it is not possible for any continent and any period of the world to be deprived of the enlightenment and light of prophets. How can it be possible? Nobody has been able to give a clear judgment about the realm of beings; nobody has been able to go beyond the foggy atmosphere of the philosophy filled with doubts, hesitations and contradictions up to now except under the light of their guidance.
As a matter of fact, the mind, wisdom and the Quran confirm altogether that every place and period should be under the guardianship of a prophet, without leaving any possibility for the opposite.”4
4 Sızıntı, October 1979, issue: 9
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