Monday, 7 December 2015

Can Sharia be valid in our age?

Whereas some people today claim that to make judgments with the Islamic decrees is impossible, some other people accuse those who do not make judgments with the Islamic decrees of unbelief without considering their intentions. The first one is excess the other one is negligence. That is, both parties are extremists. They have stepped out of the right path

First, I would like to mention the first being mistaken. There is a well-known rule. If something exists, it exists with its requirements. When hands are in question, fingers are their requirements. You cannot think of hands without fingers. You cannot make use of such a hand. When face in question, you cannot think of eyes separately. A face without eyes is of no use. The black and the white of an eye are inseparable. The Islamic decrees are like this. It must be considered as a whole. Only then, does it make the individual and society advanced; gets them to welfare and bliss.

In a society where the basic pillars of Islam are neglected, and the individual and familial life has been built upon incorrect bases, only the practice of transactions and punishments would not do much good. Alternatively, the practice of these decrees may not be possible in such a society. Even if possible, most people would get involved in discord by following them without believing and wishing. They look like Muslim but lives as an enemy of Islam.

In such a case, one cannot maintain that the Islamic decrees could not improve human beings. Incompleteness is not in decrees but in the structure, in the structure of the society.

Let us come to the second claim that goes too far off the boundaries of the right path. It is not fair to label someone misbeliever who does not fully practice Islam, who does not and cannot make judgments in accordance with it. For belief is the opposite of unbelief. If some person makes a judgment and does an action contrary to Islam, s/he is supposed to do that by rejecting Islam so that s/he might be an unbeliever, if not, we could talk about his/her sin not unbelief. Like for faith, disbelief also has some conditions to be called disbelief such as intention and will. Only if someone says Islam orders such and such way but I do not accept that and act this way, s/he is involved in disbelief and if s/he has not got such an intention and will, if the false judgment s/he makes stems from his/her ignorance or weakness of will, if s/he also knows that what s/he does is false, this person is not to be called disbeliever according to the Sunni School. Only the Harijites, who judge that to commit great sins is blasphemy, or the Mutazila, who hold that such a person will remain somewhere between belief and unbelief, can claim this. All Sunni scholars agree that these are heretics and the people of misguidance

One needs to be careful; it is possible to be someone of people of misguidance unknowingly, while actually wishing to defend Islam


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