Sunday 27 December 2015

Hayreddin Karaman (Prof. Dr.)

He was born in Çorum in 1934.
He attended Konya Religious High School, one of the first religious high schools, and became one of the graduates of the second group (1959).
He attended Istanbul Higher Islamic Institute and became one of the first graduates of this institute in 1963.
He worked as a teacher of religious subjects at Istanbul Religious High School for two years; then, he became a fiqh assistant at Istanbul Higher Islamic Institute.
He became a fiqh academician with his thesis called "Başlangıçtan Dördüncü Asra Kadar İslam Hukukunda İctihad" (Ijtihad from the Beginning to the Fourth Century in Islamic Law) (1971).
He was appointed to Izmir Higher Islamic Institute in the same year. He returned to Istanbul Higher Islamic Institute in 1975.
After higher Islamic institutes were transformed into faculties of theology, he completed his academic works and became a doctor, an associate professor and then a professor.   
He was among one of those who published the Nesil magazine from September 1976 to September 1980.
During his career of about half a century, he took part in thousands of conferences, seminars, panel discussions, talks, sermons, lessons, written and visual education, and preaching activities; he continued to teach and convey the message of Islam. He trained thousands of students among whom there were famous scientists and thinkers.
He resigned from his office at Marmara University Faculty of Theology in 2001 by opposing the pressures and oppression that dominated universities, which have to be free.   
He worked as a guest academician at Europe International Islamic University (Netherlands) from 2001 to 2004.
He can speak Arabic and Persian; he can also read and understand French.
He wrote articles for magazines like İslam’ın İlk Emri Oku, Nesil, İzlenim, Gerçek Hayat and Eğitim Bilim.
He has been writing articles for Yeni Şafak newspaper since it was first published.
He was the Head of the Islamic Law Department at Marmara University Faculty of Theology and as a member of the executive board of the faculty.   
He was also a member of the Society of Intellectuals.  
He is a member of MÜSİAD High Advisory Board.
He also worked as a member of the assembly and a consultant at Turkey Religious Foundation Center of Islamic Researches and wrote items for Islamic Encyclopedia.
He received the award of the Culture Man of the Year of Türkiye Yazarlar Vakfı (Turkey Authors Foundation).
He received the award of Türkiye Milli Kültür Vakfı (Turkey National Culture Foundation) for his work İslam’ın Işığında Günün Meseleleri (Today's Questions in the Light of Islam).
He also received the Great Award of the Association of Participation Banks.
He has three children, seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

His Published Works
As a Contributor:
• Kur'an-ı Kerim ve Açıklamalı Meali (The Quran and Its Meaning) (Published by Religious Foundation)
•Catechism (Published by Religious Foundation).
•Quranic Way (Five-Volume Tafsir, Published by Religious Foundation)

His Own Works:
•Mukayeseli İslam Hukuku(Comparative Islamic Law) (Three Volumes)
•İslam Hukuk Tarihi(History of Islamic Law)
•İslam Hukukunda İctihad(Ijtihad in Islamic Law)
• İslam'ın Işığında Günün Meseleleri (Today's Questions in the Light of Islam) (Three Volumes)
•Günlük Hayatımızda Helaller Haramlar(Halals and Harams in Our Daily Life)
• İslam'da İşçi-İşveren Münasebetleri (Employer-Employee Relations in Islam)
•Anahatlarıyla İslam Hukuku (Islamic Law with Its Outlines) (Three Volumes)
•İslam'da Kadın ve Aile (Women and Family in Islam) (Kadın ve Aile İlmihali) (Catechism of Women and Family)
•İslamlaşma ve Önündeki Engeller (Islamization and the Obstacles in Front of It)
•İmam-Hatip Şuuru(Religious High School Consciousness)
•İnsan Hakları(Human Rights)
•Gerçek İslam'da Birlik(Unity in Real Islam)
•Laik Düzende Dini Yaşamak(To Practice the Religion in a Laic System) (Four Volumes)
•Türkiye ve İslam (Turkey and Islam)
•Diyalog (Dialog)
•Her Şeye Rağmen (Despite Everything) (Röportajlar) (Interviews)
•Hayatımızdaki İslam (Islam in Our Life) (Three Volumes)
•Dert Söyletir (Trouble Makes a Person Talk) (Poems)
•Bir Varmış Bir Yokmuş (Once Upon a Time) (Hayatım ve Hatıralar, Üç cilt) (My Life and Memories, three Volumes).
•Müslümanın Hayat Bilgisi (Life Knowledge of a Muslim)
•İş ve Ticaret İlmihali (Catechism of Business and Trade)
•Kur’an’daki Peygamber (the Prophet in the Quran)
• Hayreddin Karaman ile Gündem (Agenda with Hayreddin Karaman)

His Translations:
•Yolların Ayrılış Noktasında İslam (Islam at the Crossroads)
•İslam'a Göre Banka ve Sigorta (Banking and Insurance According to Islam)
•İmam-ı Rabbani ve İslam Tasavvufu (Imam Rabbani and Islamic Sufism)
•Yeni Gelişmeler Karşısında İslâm Hukuku (Islamic Law Faced by New Developments)
•Rasul-i Ekrem'in Örnek Ahlakı (Exemplary Ethics of the Messenger of Allah)
•Hilye (Hilya)
•Altın Nesil (Golden Generation)
•Dört Risale (Four Booklets)
•Kalila and Dimna (with B.Topaloğlu)

School Textbooks:
•Arabic-Turkish New Dictionary (with B.Topaloğlu)
•Arabic Morphology-Grammar (with B.Topaloğlu)
•Arabic Texts (with B.Topaloğlu)
•Fiqh Methodology
•Hadith Methodology


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