Sunday 27 December 2015

Ahmed Şahin

He was born in Yahya Sarayı village of Çayıralan, Yozgat in 1935. While he was herding the sheep and goats in the country as a necessity of village life, he started to learn the Quran from a booklet. He completed his Quranic education by becoming a hafiz (a person who memorized the whole Quran) in Kayseri in 1950. He became a student of Gönenli Mehmet Hoca Efendi, who was famous for helping the students who wanted to study in Istanbul. He learned tafsir, hadith, fiqh and kalam from the last period Ottoman scholars between 1950 and 1960; thus, he became competent in religious subjects. 
During the period of studying religious subjects for twelve years in mosques, he distributed the weekly newspaper called "Hür Adam" (Free Man), which was the first Islamic newspaper published in Istanbul, all over Istanbul on Fridays; the number of the newspapers he distributed in Istanbul was equal to the whole number distributed in Anatolia. He wrote his first articles for the newspaper Hür Adam, which he sold and distributed. 
The articles that gave answers to the questions of the readers on religion were published in the form of a booklet. The newspaper was closed during the military coup of May 27, 1960.  After taking a test at that date, he was appointed as a religious official to Süleymaniye Mosque. During his ten-year service at this mosque, he prepared the page of the Islamic World in the weekly newspaper called Ittihad. He also published the series Tarihin Şeref Levhaları (Honor Tablets of History) in the form of comics. His first book was "Tarihin Şeref Levhaları". 
He started to write articles for the daily Yeni Asya newspaper, which started to be published in 1970. He wrote articles for twelve years without taking a leave of absence and without missing a day until 1982. Beginning from 1982, he concentrated on writing and editing books. During this period of publication, which lasted for six years, he established Cihan Publishing House with his friends; and he published his books through this publishing house. He started to write articles again beginning from 1988 for Zaman newspaper. 
While he continued to write newspaper articles, the number of his books amounted to thirty in 2003. He also published the texts of his Friday and Sunday talks he made for Moral FM radio station beginning from 1994 in a book called Müslüman Nasıl Yaşamalı? (How should a Muslim live?). His last book was Yeni Aile İlmihali (New Family Catechism), which was published at the beginning of 2003. He has one son and one daughter; he is still studying in Istanbul.

Some of his books are: 
1- Tarihin Şeref Levhaları (Honor Tablets of History) 
2- Hayatın Gerçekleri ve Biz (the Realities of Life and Us) 
3-Aile Hayatımız (Our Family Life) 
4- Sünnet Işığında Hayat (Life in the Light of Sunnah) 
5- İnsan ve Din (Man and Religion) 
6- Sohbetler (Talks) 
7- İbretli Bakışlar (Exemplary Looks) 
8- Onlar Böyleydi (They were Like This) 
9- İslâm Büyükleri (Islamic Great Men) 
10- Bir Oku Bin Düşün  (Read Once, Think One Thousand Times) 
11- Fetvalar (Fatwas) 
12- Nasıl Sahabe Oldular (How They Became Companions) 
13- Aile İmtihanı (Family Test) 
14- Günlük Hayatımızda Dualarımız (Our Prayers in Our Daily Life) 
15- Ne Haldeyiz (What is Our Situation Like) 
16- Dini Hikâyeler (Religious Stories)
17- İslâmı Böyle Yaşadılar (They Practiced Islam Like This) 
18- Meğer Biz Neymişiz (What We Were Really Like) 
19- Esas Nokta (The Main Point) 
20- Sualli Cevaplı Dini Bilgiler (Religious Information with Questions and Answers) 
21- İmanda Birlik Vatanda Dirlik (Unity in Belief, Peace in Homeland) 
22- Ateşte Yanmayanlar (Those Who Did Not Burn in Fire)
23- Hayatın Gayesi (the Purpose of Life) 
24- Olaylar Konuşuyor (Events Are Talking) 
25- Hayatınız Hedefini Buluyor mu? (Does Our Life Attain Its Target?) 
26- Herkesi Kucaklayan İslam (Islam Embracing Everybody) 
27- İslam Adaleti (Islamic Justice)
28- Yeni Aile İlmihali (New Family Catechism) 
29- Güncel Sorunlara Çözümler (Solutions to Contemporary Problems)  
30- Sırlı Olaylar (Mysterious Events)


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