Monday 30 November 2015

Is it permissible to pray in a house having a dog?

A Brief Description of the Question: 
I have a puppy and it lives in the home with my family and me, it was purchased for protecting or a deterrent for criminals and a pet. Can I pray successful in a room that he never enters etc and is kept clean?
The Answer: 
You can live and worship in a house having the dog. It is enough for the floor that you perform salah on, to be clean.
Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) says: “Some rewards of a dog raising the person that he won for his good deeds decrease everyday except that it is for hunting, for the sheep, or as a guard for gardens or fields.” (Bukhari, Zabaih, 6; Muslim, Musakhat, 46,50,56-58)

Raising dog at home without a necessity like protection or hunting is banned in Islam
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