Wednesday 25 November 2015


Questions and Answers

What are the professions of the prophets mentioned in the Quran?
How many prophets were sent to the world?
What is the evidence showing that Noah (pbuh) took only domestic animals to the ship and that he did not take animals like butterflies and snakes?
Is it true that Hazrat Dawud (David) (PBUH) was the master of the ironmongers? How did He learn this? What were His other qualities?
How old were Adam and Eve when they were born? Were they babies, kids or teenagers when they were first created?
Can you give information about Adam (pbuh)'s physical features?
When Adam and Eve were sent to the world, were they sent with their body in heaven? Is it not necessary that the body suitable for Paradise should be different from the body suitable for this world?
Would you give me information about the disease of Hz. Ayyub? It is said that his body was infested by worms. So, can a prophet be disgusting to his tribe?
What does “I am from Abraham’s nation” mean? Can you give some information about Hanif religion?
How many children did Prophet Adam have?
Will you give information about the pedigrees of prophets and their order of coming?
Was the first man, Hazrat Adam, literate? Was the first period of humanity a wild period?
Why did Allah not make Adam (pbuh) live his childhood? Can we understand why?
What is the situation of a person who does believe in Allah but does not believe in His messengers? Is it compulsory to believe in prophets?
Was a prophet sent between Jesus and Muhammad (pbuh)?
A conversation happened between Moses (pbuh) and a fly. It said that flies mention the names of Allah all the time but that most of the humans are heedless. Can you explain this?
Who was the first prophet that was martyred?
Can you give some information about the clock miracle of the Prophet Yusuf (a.s.) and its importance?
Although some prophets were allowed to be killed when they announced the true religion, why was Jesus ascended to the sky? Even our prophet’s tooth was broken at a battle. What feature of Jesus caused this?
How did the Prophet Adam (pbuh) come to the world?
Did Hz. Adam (pbuh) commit any sins?
Why were so many prophets and books sent?
How long and why did Prophet Adam remain away from Hawwa (Eve)?
Was Hazrat Yusuf (Joseph) (pbuh) more beautiful than Muhammad (pbuh)? Which one was more beautiful?
How many years did the Prophet Sulayman (a.s.) live?
When Hz. Ibrahim was given a piece of good news about becoming a parent, which region and nation was he in? Where was Hz Lut and he was the leader of which nation at that time?
Did Noah (pbuh) show any miracles to his people before the flood?
Who ate the forbidden fruit of Paradise at first, Adam or Eve? Is there any knowledge concerning this?
How did the angels prostrate before Adam (as)? What kind of a prostration did they perform?
Why are prophets not chosen by people?
How many years was Joseph (Yusuf) (pbuh) in jail? How many years had he stayed in jail when two people came to jail near him? How many years did he remain away from his father Jacob (Yaqub) (pbuh)?
Why was Lut’s (Lot's) wife destroyed?
The Pharaoh asked Hz. Musa what the state of the other nations would be. Why did he ask such a question?
Were all of the prophets removed from their countries by unbelievers?
Can you give information about prophets being sent to tribes separately? Which prophets lived at the same time and in the same place? What is the reason for this?
Is it true that the Prophet Musa (Moses) killed a man? If so, is it not a big sin?
Was Basmala the same in the other religions as Arabic or how was it present?
Who is the prophet called Samuel? Will you please give information about him?
Who named the Prophet Musa (pbuh)?
What language did Hz Adam and Hz Eve speak? What language will be spoken in Paradise?
Is it true that Moses (pbuh) and Israelites who crossed over the Nile river consisted of twelve tribes and that they exited from the Nile through twelve different tributaries?
Why did Moses (Musa) wanted to speak with Allah? What is the reason for his demand?
Which prophets came between Prophet Musa (Moses) and Prophet Isa (Jesus); was Judaism the religion they conveyed?
Can only prophets be warners? Can scholars have this mission in some societies? Is the West familiar with the term “prophethood”?
Is it not disrespect to call the Prophet Isa (Jesus) “O Jesus, son of Mary”?
Did Allah command the Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) to leave his father and the country he lived in?
How did Hz. Solomon (Sulayman) (pbuh) fly and make his army fly by using the wind? Were these soldiers not swung in the air?
The Prophet Idris (pbuh) was ascended to the sky. If every soul shall have a taste of death, then how will his death happen?
How did Prophet Abraham survive and what kind of a response did he get when he was saved from fire?
What is the wisdom behind the fact that Moses and Aaron were sent to the same nation and at the same time? Why were two different prophets were sent to the same nation?
Was Hazrat Adam (AS) created circumcised? Are there any prophets who were born circumcised?
When was Hz. Khidr born? Did he meet the Prophet (pbuh)?
Will you give information about Hz. Khidr?
Since Christianity is a distorted religion, is it not possible that Jesus being born without a father and His miracles are fabricated stories?
Why did Allah tell Hz. Musa (Moses) to take off his shoes in the holy valley?
In one of the Russian TV channels, it was said that Hazrat Eesa (Jesus Christ) saw Allah (God); is this true? Did Jesus see Allah?
Could you give some explanation about 71th ayah of Surah Hud? Was Prophet Ismail not the first son of Prophet Ibrahim?
Prophets have no sins; it is said that they have zallah (slip). What does the fact that prophets are sinless mean?
Can you give some information about the commentary of verses 77 - 81 in the surah of Hud and the destruction of the people of Lut (Lot)?
Did the king who lived at the same age as the Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) was a prophet accept Yusuf’s prophethood or did he oppose Yusuf?
Did all prophets work as shepherds?
Can you give information about the Prophet Jarjis (George)?
Since the world is a field of examination, is the situation of the Prophet Adam not contrary to the examination? It is impossible for one who saw Allah the Almighty, Hell, the Hereafter, Angels, Satan and other extraterrestrial creatures not to believe?
Where is the grave/tomb of the prophet Ayyub?
Will the ant of the Prophet Solomon go to Paradise? If it is so, what deed of its caused this?
How many nations and tribes were destroyed? Where, how and why?
Why were there not any women prophets? Why did Allah choose prophets among men?
I think prophets are politicians; they used prophethood systematically in order to hold power and control. They are not prophets. I do not believe in them because I have not seen a prophet; they are stories made up by people. I love Allah but prophets are ordinary people like us.
Will you give information about Hz. Danyal (Daniel)?


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