Thursday, 26 November 2015

Is it true that Moses (pbuh) and Israelites who crossed over the Nile river consisted of twelve tribes and that they exited from the Nile through twelve different tributaries?

A Brief Description of the Question: 
Is it true that Moses (pbuh) and Israelites who crossed over the Nile river consisted of twelve tribes and that they exited from the Nile through twelve different tributaries?
The Answer: 
This issue is told in the Quran as follows: Then We told Moses by inspiration: "Strike the sea with thy rod." So it divided, and each separate part become like the huge, firm mass of a mountain. (ash-Shuara 26/63)
We sent an inspiration to Moses: "Travel by night with my servants, and strike a dry path for them through the sea, without fear of being overtaken (by Pharaoh) and without (any other) fear." (Taha 22/77)
According to the information given by Abdullah bin Abbas, Moses and Israelites who crossed over the Nile river consisted of twelve tribes; the sea was divided into twelve paths and they came ashore from these twelve different paths. (see Ibn Kathir,the interpretation of ash-Shuara 26/63)
According to what tafsir scholars say (see Razi, Mafatih, the interpretation of Shuara 26/63), Moses was told,‘’Strike it with your rod.‘ When he struck the sea, it was divided and each parts of it became like a mass of mountain. And twelve roads belonging to each tribe came into existence from that sea. Then, when each tribe began to say ‘’Your friends were killed’’, Hz. Moses prayed Allah. Thus, Allah transformed the big masses of mountains into sceneries in the form of layers. In this way, they saw themselves walking on dry ground.
To sum up, Allah divided the Nile river into twelve dry corridors; each one of the twelve tribes passed through a corridor. The ones that passed through one corridor saw the others.


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