“If any does seek for glory and power― to Allah belong all glory and power…” (Surah Fatir 35/10) Will you explain this verse?
A Brief Description of the Question:
“If any does seek for glory and power― to Allah belong all glory and power…” (Surah Fatir 35/10) Will you explain this verse?
The Answer:
If any do seek for glory and power― to Allah belong all glory and power… (Surah Fatir 35/10)
The fact that “dignity” which has meanings of glory, honor, power and superiority is due for Allah does not mean that man can never use these qualities but that all kinds of honor and value of man comes from Allah and they become valuable only with the contentment of Him. Thus, this (honor) is attributed to Allah, His messenger and believers in another verse (see. Surah Al-Munafiqoon, 63/8)
The continuing sentence of the verse starting with “There will be a compelling torture for the ones who make evil plans backhandedly and their traps will be ruined” is a reference for the truth that dignity cannot be obtained by developing devilish plans. (Kur'an Yolu, Diyanet, IV/405)
Obtaining dignity and honor is possible through believing Allah and being a slave for Him. Being a slave for Allah saves man from the slavery of nafs (evil-commanding soul) and evil and from becoming a slave of slaves.
The Prophet (pbuh) stated the following: Allah elevates a person who shows modesty for His sake.” (Musnad, II, 386) In the verse, it is stated that a person who wants dignity from anyone other than Allah will be left alone by Allah. The following is stated about a group that seeks dignity and honor among unbelievers “Those who take for friends Unbelievers rather than Believers: is it honor they seek among them? Nay,― all honor is with Allah.” (an-Nisa, 4/139) Thus, Allah informs us that dignity and honor belong to Allah and that He humiliates or elevates a person through dignity and honor. The Prophet interprets the verse, “If any do seek for glory and power― to Allah belong all glory and power” as follows: “A person who wants dignity and honor in the world and in the hereafter should obey the One who has dignity and Honor” (Daylami, Firdaws, V, 253.)
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