Does the wudu of a person who sleeps without moving while sitting invalidate?
A Brief Description of the Question:
Does the wudu of a person who sleeps without moving while sitting invalidate?
The Answer:
The states that eliminate the faculty of the perception of the mind are as follows: sleeping, fainting, becoming insane, getting drunk, etc. However, the wudu of a person who sleeps without moving while sitting is not invalidated. (Muslim, Wudu`, 2; Ahmad b. Hanbal, 1, 256).
A Brief Description of the Question:
Hi i am hanafi do i have to face qible when im doing wudu or it doesnt matter if i do it or not. my wudu is vaild if dont face the qible when doing wudu?
The Answer:
You don't have to face the Qıbla while having wudu. It would be still valid if you don't face the Qıbla.
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