Do the repetitions in the Quran not bore and tire people and what is the wisdom behind the repetitions in the Quranic verses?
Do the repetitions in the Quran not bore and tire people?
What is the wisdom behind the repetitions in the Quranic verses?
Do the repetitions in the Quran not bore and tire people and what is the wisdom behind the repetitions in the Quranic verses?
Everything that shines is not fire. Yes, repetitions are sometimes tedious, but not always. It is not valid for everywhere, every word and every book. Many repetitions that are thought to be boring are appreciated and admired by rhetoric.
Yes, the food man eats includes both basic sustenance and fruit.
The more the former, that is, sustenance, is repeated, the greater the pleasure it gives; it brings about more and more thanks.
The latter, that is, fruit, gives rise to boredom when repeated and provides pleasure when replaced with something new
Similarly, words and speech are divided into two.
Some are realities that give spiritssustenance and strength to the mind. The more they are repeated, the more life they give to spirits and the mind like sunlight. Repetition is not desired and liked in the part that is like fruit. The Quran is nutrition and strength for the heart; therefore, its repetition gives pleasure not boredom. There are some parts of the Quran that are the spirit of that strength; the more they are repeated, the more brilliantly they shine, scattering lights of truth and reality; they smell nice like musk as they are dealt with.
Besides, there are no repetitions actually in the verses that are thought to be repetitive. For, those verses are thought to be repetitive since they look similar in terms of their phrases and words but they express different wisdoms, points and purposes.
The story of Moses has so many virtues and wisdoms; it is rhetoric that it is repeated for one of the aspects it comprises in a place that is suitable for that place. That is, in any chapter that has repetitions, an aspect suitable for the spirit of that chapter is meant.
In addition, the Quran is a book of dhikr, invocation and invitation. Therefore, the repetitions in it are nice. For, the necessity of dhikr is illumination through repetition; the necessity of invocation is asking insistently and the necessity of invitation is strengthening and confirming through repetition. Then, repetition, which is thought to be a defect, cannot be a defect.
Contrarily, lack of repetition is a defect in such a book because dhikr, supplication and invitation are nice when they are repeated.
Moreover, everyone is not capable of reading the whole Quran al the time, but mostly is able to read one chapter. Therefore, since the most important purposes of the Quran like oneness, the hereafter and worshipping are included in each chapter, each chapter is like a small Quran. That is to say, these purposes are repeated in almost all chapters so that no one should be deprived of them.
Also, the Quran is a founder. It contains the foundations and principles of Islam. It tries to place these principles into the social life of humans. Then, repetition is necessary to strengthen and settle those realities in hearts. Then, repetition, which is thought to be a defect, is not a defect. Contrarily, if something is repeated somewhere, it is repeated for confirmation due to its importance.
Also, the Quran speaks of such mighty matters and minute truths that numerous repetitions are necessary in different forms in order to establish them in the hearts of those who read and listen to it.
Due to the reasons we have mentioned above, it is understood how suitable the repetitions in the Quran that are thought to be a defect are and how appropriate they are in terms of rhetoric.
We want to conclude the topic by expressing the wisdoms of repetitions in verses though items:
1- In the Quran, different wisdoms, points and purposes are expressed in different places; the verses look similar in terms of their phrases and words; so, they are thought to be repetitive.
2- The Quran is a book of dhikr, invocation and invitation. Dhikr, invocation and invitation are nice if they are repeated.
3- Moreover, everyone is not capable of reading the whole Quran all the time, but mostly is able to read one chapter. Therefore, since the most important purposes are included in each chapter, each chapter is like a small Quran. That is to say, these purposes are repeated in almost all chapters so that no one should be deprived of them.
4- Also, the Quran is a founder. It contains the foundations and principles of Islam. It tries to place these principles in the social life of humans. Then, repetition is necessary to strengthen and settle those realities in hearts.
5- Repetitions are necessary in different forms in order to establish mighty matters and minute truths mentioned by the Quran in the hearts of those who read and listen to it. Due to those reasons, the repetitions in the verses of the Quran are appropriate, necessary and nice.
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