Monday, 23 November 2015

Do Guidance (Hidayah) and Misguidance (Dalalah) Exist Only in Fundamentals of Belief?

Belief is the greatest guidance Unbelief is the opposite of it Therefore, when misguidance is mentioned, unbelief ought to be understood. Unbelief means going astray from the way of belief.

but whoever changes from Faith to Unbelief, Has strayed without doubt from the even way. (Al-Baqarah, 108)

Oneness (tawheed), in other words knowing Allah as unique, is guidance independently. Therefore, the way of associating partners with Allah is misguidance.
In the following verse, misguidance is in the meaning of associating partners with Allah:
one, who joins other gods with Allah, hath strayed far, far away (from the right). (an-Nisa), 116)
Running after only lust like animals by contravening moral principles is also going astray from the right way. Morality is the way of guidance; all kinds of misbehavior is misguidance.
That kind of misguidance is explained in this verse:They are only like cattle;- nay, they are farther astray from the way. (al-Furqan, 44)
All kinds of philosophical movements primarily materialism, naturalism and evolutionism that are contrary to Islam are the ways of misguidance and the followers of those currents are the people of misguidance, too. Throughout history, many currents of void thoughts emerged but most of them had no followers now.
Egocentrism and arrogance take place of obedience in people who forget that man is a servant, a guest in this world and he is on the move to the Hereafter. Such people, who try to shape their spiritual worlds by means of their own intelligence and who embrace a moral conception with which only their souls please, are those who have gone astray from the right way and entered the path of misguidance.

All kinds of wrongdoings that are committed by believers also mean going astray from the right path. However, although those wrongdoers, in literal meaning, enter the path of misguidance, they are not called as the people of misguidance in technical meaning. As a matter of fact, a verse concerning the division of inheritance ends as follows:
Thus does Allah make clear to you (His law), lest ye err. And Allah has knowledge of all things (an-Nisa), 176)
In the verse, misguidance is mentioned but in its interpretation the word err is used instead of misguidance.


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