Saturday, 28 November 2015

Can I make Hajj on behalf of someone else? Can a person make Hajj for someone who died?

A Brief Description of the Question: 
My grandfather passed away and didn't perform Hajj during his life. Can I perform Hajj instead of him? Here in Pakistan, people are also performing Umrah instead of their beloved ones. If yes then give me the reference from Holy Qur'an or from Hadiths. Thanks
The Answer: 
It is necessary for those who are obliged to go to Hajj but die before they go to Hajj or send someone to Hajj in lieu of themselves to state in their will that someone should be sent to Hajj for them. If one third of the inheritance is enough to meet the expenses of the person to be sent to Hajj and the heirs do not send anybody, they will be responsible before Allah. 
If one third of the inheritance is not enough to meet the expenses of the person to be sent to Hajj or there is no statement in the will of the person regarding the issue, the heirs will not be responsible for it. However, if there is no statement in the will or one third of the inheritance is not enough to meet the expenses of the person to be sent to Hajj but if the heirs meet the expenses and one of them goes to Hajj or send someone to Hajj in lieu of the late person, the responsibility of the late person will be removed. 

According to a narration, a woman from the tribe of Has`am went to the Prophet and said that her father was too old to sit on a mount and asked whether she could make Hajj for him. The Prophet replied that she could. (Bukhari, Hajj, 1; Muslim, Hajj, 407).

Ibn Abbas narrates: A woman vowed to make Hajj but her life was not long enough to make it; she died before she could make Hajj. The brother of the woman went to the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and asked him what he should do. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) asked him, “If she had owed some money, would you pay it? The man said: "Yes, O Messenger of Allah“. The Messenger of Allah said: "Then, pay her debt to Allah, too, because He deserves more to be paid." (Nasai, Manasik'ul-Hajj, 7)

Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) also narrates: Sinan b. Salama al Juhani’s wife wanted someone to ask the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) if she could make Hajj on behalf of her mother who died. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “Yes” and added, “if your mother had owed some money and if you paid for it, her debt would be removed, wouldn’t it? Then, let her make Hajj for her mother.” (Bukhari, Jazau’s Sayd, 33)

According to another narration, a woman asked the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) about the state of her father who died before he made Hajj. He said: “Make Hajj on behalf of your father. (Bukhari, ibid; Tirmidhi, Hajj, 85; Nasai, Manasik'ul-Hajj, 8)

It is necessary not to neglect Hajj. A person who is obliged to make Hajj but cannot do it has to send a relative or friend he trusts to Hajj on behalf of him. Neglecting Hajj brings about divine wrath not divine misfortune. Its punishment takes place in the form of the increase of the sins. (Nursi, Sünûhât, p. 54)

The reward of a performed worship, the prosperity of the verses of the Quran or prayers and the reward of a charity and good deed can be donated to someone else, and the person to be donated benefits from it without any decrease. (Nursi, Şuâlar (Rays), p. 589)

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